Monday, September 28, 2015

First Things First about Research

Assalamualaykum and good day to all,

How did the research idea comes into picture?
What drives people to research?
What motivates researcher to go for a research journey with many uncertainties?

The answer is simple: When there is problem around us, we began to think how to solve that problem, find solution. If we do not know the solution (not readily available), we need to be in a search, seeking for the solution. The search may require a re-search.

First thing first about research - THE PROBLEM

It is THE PROBLEM that gives the idea to do research.
It is seeking the solution to the problem that drives people into doing a research.
It's seeking the solution for the problem that makes people go to various direction for research.

Uncertainties happen when you do not know, you are not sure how the problem can be solved.
Uncertainties are when you do not know whether your idea for solution will work or not.
It is the uncertainties and keep on searching that makes a RESEARCH.

My question: Have you got a problem? Do you have a solution for it yet?
No? If your answer is know, let's do research. Let seek for the solution to solve the problem.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Research adds knowledge

Assalamualaykum and good day to all,

People may have various kinds of questions about research:
- What is the outcome of a research?
- What do we do with the result?
- Is there any benefit of doing research? etc.
~and many more

My simple and short answer: Research will add new knowledge to the existing body of knowledge (world of knowledge).

The figure below showed the research process as depicted by Orna and Stevens (1995) in Dawson (2005).

The diagram showed a representation of the existing world of knowledge. Doing research may make the researcher works within what is in the world of knowledge. As a result of the research process is a new discovery. The discovery should be something novel, never been disclosed before. The discovery will be disseminated to the world as a new knowledge. That new knowledge is an addenum to the the existing body of knowledge.

Do you see now, how a research can be useful? Do you understand now how the research can contribute to the existing body of knowledge?

As a researcher, you are an important person to add knowledge to the world of knowledge.
Let's do research !!!


Friday, September 18, 2015

Computing research

Assalamualaykum and Good day to all,

Each semester, when asked to present a research idea, many students presented computing projects rather than computing research. So now, let's briefly look at how to differentiate between computing research and computing projects.

Did you get it now? You can start seriously thinking on your research idea now.

Cheers ...;-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Qualitative vs. Quantitative

Salam all and a very good day,

Recently in class, there was a question about Quantitative and Qualitative research. Hopefully this video clip may help you to understand it. No worries, this is not the only video discussing about qulitative and quantitative research. There are many more, just put your effort.... information and knowledge is just a click away ;-)

Video source: Youtube (credits to the creator)

Best of luck in your research. Enjoy... !

Characteristics of a Research - Part II

Salam all and a very good day,

Now that you have understood what research is, next is to understand how a process can be considered as a research.

Image result for leedy ormrod practical research  In the previous posting, I have posted the list of characteristics of research as suggested by Ormrod (2014). In this posting I will discuss each of the points briefly.

Upon completing this, you should be able to assess your ideas of research, whether it is a research, or it is not. ;-)

1. Research originates with a question or problem.
It means that research begins from a question, an unanswered questions. And questions are all around us in our daily life.

2. Requires clear articulation goal.
A researcher must be able to express the ultimate goal of doing the research. He/She must have must know what you are expected as the outcome of the research.

3. Divides problem into a more manageable sub problems.
Breaking the problem into a smaller sub problems makes it easier to solve and achieve. That is when you break your outcome into a series of objectives.

4. Guided by specific research problems, research questions or hypothesis.
You must have a prediction of what could the solution be, seek solution based on the prediction and test or evaluate to verify your prediction.

5. Plan or proceeding,
You must be able to plan or design how the research will take place. Plan and design how the research is going to be conducted.

6. Rely on certain critical assumption.
Your research must have assumptions that you could start to work with.
Example: You are solving problem about the interaction design with the assumption that the system is running well without any errors that will dissatisfy the user.

7. Requires collection and interpretation of data.
Your research will require you to do data collection in order to verify the findings and interprets it. Interpretation of data obtained through the experiment will verify the hypothesis and provides a result to your problem.

8. Cyclical; Helical
One research may lead to another research.
This is the answer why now Note4 and next is Note5 or now, iPhone5 and next is iPhone6. It's a never ending improvements to a better quality of life.

Now, is your idea is a research or is it just a project? ;-)


Monday, September 14, 2015

Characteristics of a research

Assalamualaykum and good day to all,

Have you done enough reading on research yet.
Here are some characteristics of a research as stated by Ormrod (2014), in the book Practical Research, published by Pearson

Practical Research, pg2

Get a better picture now? 
Lets move on ...

What is research?

Assalamualaykum and a very good day to all,

In this video I try to put definition of research and research methodology in a simplest way. Hope you will get it.

I hope everybody gets the idea of what is researach and not get intimidated by it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Becoming a researcher

Assalamualaykum and good day to all,

Are you a researcher? Do you want to be one?
What it takes to become a researcher? Can you become one?

Are you seeing researcher as someone that wears the white coat, sitting behind the bunsen burner, scratching the non-itchy head? No. Not at all. Any Tom, Dick and Harry around you can be a researcher.

Source: Google search

Research is a solution finding process to an identified problem. It's an investigation. The solution must be validated and proven to be applicable, usable, novel, beneficial and significant.

If you are always curious and anxious to know ... you have one of the characteristics to become a researcher. But bare in mind, a researcher is not a busy body or nosy.

Next characteristics is the persistence in finding the solution. Also a determinant. A researcher must have a strong will in completing the search. The research journey is not always a straight path. It is full of winding roads, u-turns and de-tour. As the name implies, re-search would mean that you might be repeatedly in a search. A researcher must have the endurance to remain in the search till the findings are presented,

Another characteristic of a researcher is to have a critical mind and be creative in suggesting solution. A research must always be critical when looking at the surroundings. Must be critical when reading the articles. Critical minds will put the researcher into an active thinking. A researcher must be enthusiast to try new ideas and endeavour new frontier.

Last but not least (as the list can be longer), an important characteristic that a researcher must have is integrity. The research must be conducted with integrity and in a good research manner. Respect confidentiality of the peoples involved. Report the truth not what you want to report. But the truth, nothing but the truth.

Does it sound tiring or exciting? Above all, these are the quality of characters that everyone must uphold. Not only when being a researcher, but a quality that must be in every successful person.

Good luck researcher!!!

What is research?

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

Welcome to the Research Methods Class.

Doing research fascinates me. It is about finding solutions but doing it in a systematic manner.
Let's see what others had to say about research. Here is one:

Source: Youtube (credit to the creator)

You can find many other videos and information about research from the rich resources, the internet.

Always keep this in mind. Knowledge is just a click away. :-)